Personal Growth

The Enneagram

The Enneagram


Socrates is attributed with saying that “understanding yourself will have a greater yielded factor of overall knowledge” than any other study we undertake.  But the question remains, “how do we understand ourselves?”

There are a number of different personality tests available to us, many of which I have written about here.  However, perhaps one of the most powerful personality indicators I have run across is the Enneagram of personality types.

The Enneagram of personality types is a synthesis of ancient traditions that is perhaps the most thorough description of existing personality types.  And what’s more, the Enneagram of personality types doesn’t simply pigeon hole us into one certain personality, but shows the other personality traits we take on when we are stressed, or conversely, feeling confident.  The power of understanding our personality type is that not only do we gain an insight into how we react when we are stressed, but how to deal with the negative aspects of our personality trait.  The same goes for the positive personality traits we take on when we are healthy – how do we best operate in our strengths?

For more information on the Enneagram of personality types, I highly recommend the information provided by Ian Morgan Cron and his book, The Road Back To You. The journey of discovering our strengths and weaknesses is always worth the time and effort – best of luck to you as you embark on the journey!