Boundaries, Social Media, Uncategorized, Work

Social Media Mastery

Weapons of mass distraction

If you are like most folks today, pulling away from your phone, tablet, or other handheld device is a real challenge.  Social media sites such as FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and others can be a serious impediment to productivity and real relationships.  Here are 5 steps to taking control of your social media use.

  1. Take social media apps off of your smart phone.  With the apps easy to reach, not only will you be more tempted to go there on a whim, but you will also get non-stop notifications – a productivity and true relationship killer if there ever was one.
  2. Set specific times of day to check your social media sites.  You really only need one time per day, but if you use social media for work, two times per day is acceptable.
  3. Set a time limit for the time you are on a social media site.  Before you log on to a site, set the timer on your smart phone for 10 minutes.  10 minutes is all you need to make a post and glance through the latest in your news feed.
  4. Use these apps to help with self discipline:
    1. Offtime(iOS/Android) – This app helps users unplug by blocking distracting apps like Facebook and games and filtering communications.
    2. AppDetox(Android) – Hooked on mobile games? Can’t stop refreshing Twitter? AppDetox can help you get your fixation under control if apps are your kryptonite.
    3. Stay on Task (Android) – This app simply asks if you are on task during set intervals throughout your day and can be a great way to refocus if your mind is wandering.
  5. Don’t browse social media before you go to bed.  The evening is when our self discipline is lowest and our emotions are most fragile.  Resist the urge to take one last peek at your news feed – the last thing you need before you go to bed is to be bit by the FOMO (fear of missing out) bug!

Do you have a social media addiction?  If so, how do you try to manage it?