Boundaries, Integrated Living, schedule, Uncategorized

When To Rest


I am in a season right now where my work requires me to be at the office 6 days per week for around 14 hours per day.  Couple this with a 30 minute drive each way and my time at home during this period is minimal.  I strive to live a life in which my work and family life are integrated with one another.  That is, the two basic elements of my life, vocation and family are viewed as unique, yet complimentary spheres.  However, when you are at work for the vast majority of the day, the other aspects of your life are going to suffer.

And I hate letting the other aspects suffer.  So naturally, I attempt to cross off all the items swirling around my head off of the to-do list.  In my mind, on the one day off, I am able to spend time with my family, get house chores done, be social, and rest.  And I would have attempted to do this if it were not for my wife, who upon hearing me contemplate this course of action, point out the foolishness of my idea.  Kelly wisely pointed out that as I had not seen my family, quite literally in the case of my son, for a week, my priority should be to have fun and rest doing things together as a family.  And these things were not to be done as work, but be done as play; things such as a long breakfast together, going to the pool, playing outside with my son, watching a movie, etc.

Kelly was right.  Had I gone on with my mis-directed idea, I would not have felt rested, would not have re-connected with my family, and would not felt at all at ease with my day off.  So what have I learned from this?

  • I learned that I must communicate.  I must communicate to my spouse what my thoughts are and give her a vote.  She needs to share what she feels we need to do – and then both of us reach a mutual understanding.
  • I learned that the grass and other chores can wait.  Grass grows, but so do young boys, and young boys need me more than the grass.
  • I learned that we are designed to rest.  We must re-charge.  To not have the freedom to create and recreate denies our worth as humans.

While this season of heavy work is not enjoyable, it has given me the chance to learn and grow, and in doing so, the lessons learned here with remain with me long after the unpleasant memories of the long days are gone.