
The Art of Farewells

One of the most important aspects of team culture, and also one of the most overlooked, is that of properly saying goodbye to a departing team member. Properly sending off a team member is often just one of those things we don’t think about.

Here’s why we should. When a team member leaves, a valuable part of the culture leaves with them. And while we, as the team lead, may not always recognize the gap formed by the loss, the unique relationships formed around this individual certainly will.

Our job as leaders is to validate the loss and celebrate the accomplishments achieved by the individual during their time on the team. Here are some ideas:

  • Go around the room and let each person tell what they enjoyed most about the team member.
  • You, as the lead, speak to their accomplishments and gifts.
  • Let the departing team member say a public goodbye and offer her remarks.
  • Present the outgoing team member with a memo – this could be a plaque, a certificate, or my favorite, a book.

I believe this is important regardless of why a team member leaves. All of our team members are valuable and play an important role in the culture of the organization. Let’s recognize and celebrate them.

This time of year I turn my thoughts to evaluating my life plan and annual goals – to this end I highly recommend Micheal Hyatt and Donald Miller – these men can help you make sense of the journey you are on.