Leadership, Personal Growth

What Game Are You Playing?

It’s easy to become good at playing one kind of game.  As humans, we like to specialize.  A good example of this is sports – a football player will spend years becoming a good linebacker, because that is what he specializes in.  You would never ask that same linebacker to suddenly be just as good at tennis.

But what if he had to?

I was listening to a podcast the other day in which the host mentioned we have recently experienced 10 years of business evolution in a matter of weeks.  This is a big deal.  For those who specialize in one skill, it is worth asking whether that one skill is now applicable.  Maybe it is.

But what if it is not?

One of the keys to leading through change is understanding what kind of game you are playing.  A few weeks ago, we may have been playing chess – today, perhaps racquetball is a more apt example!  When at one time we could ponder our moves and set up the board, the moves now come quick and we have to respond accordingly.

Don’t let your specialization stifle you.  Recognize the game you are playing and adapt to meet the new needs you can serve.