
The Importance of Connection


The magic of connection; we yearn for it, desire it, seek it.  Our need for connection is so strong that we often seek to generate connection in our lives through any any manner we can.  When we are unable to connect we naturally feel withdrawn and attempt to fill the void through often unhealthy habits.  For some of us, these habits include overworking, drinking to excess, and other such energy draining endeavors.  Studies have shown that infants who are unable to connect with parents or another caregiver show higher levels of stress and slower development than infants who do have a connection with their parents or another caregiver.

While we can’t connect with everyone we meet, we can at the very least make the attempt to connect and acknowledge the other person’s humanity.  To make this attempt at connection actually takes very little from us; and when the connection is made leaves us with the satisfaction of knowing that we have connected with another human being and acknowledged their importance.  To establish connection with another, try this little exercise:

1 – When you are checking out at the grocery store, or another such situation, make eye contact with the person when they ask you how you are.

2 – Reply to their question honestly.

3 – While you are looking them in the eye, ask them how they are doing.

4 – Listen.

5 – Use your intuition to get a sense of whether you need to ask more about how they are.

6 – While you thank them for their assistance, again, look them in the eye and wish them a good day.

Establishing a connection with another person is really not that hard, and can have profound effects upon the person you are connecting with.  If you really want to challenge yourself, connect with someone who is not like you such as someone who is homeless or culturally different than you.

Let’s go connect!