Leadership, Public Speaking

It’s Not About You, It’s About The Message

Talent Development

For many people, presenting to a large audience is terrifying.  Many surveys, including this article in Psychology Today, show this to be true.  What if there was a magic bullet that would take away your fear of public speaking?

The single most important approach you can take to public speaking is this: It’s not about you.  It’s about the message.

According to Psychology Today, we fear public speaking because of our evolved sense of predators.  Yes, that’s right.  When we put ourselves out there on stage, we make ourselves a target for those who may want to snipe at us.

By changing our narrative from, “what does the audience think of me” to  “this information I have for my audience is so important,” we become the indispensable guide in another person’s story.

When we approach our presentation with the mindset of “this message is so important to this group, I will do everything in my power to help them both understand and remember the message,” we move from the hunted, to the hunter.