Leadership, Work

Talent Management or Talent Development?

Talent Development

Most organizations spend a lot of time talking about talent management. But this they mean, we need to make sure our talented team members don’t leave.  This inevitably creates a culture of scarcity.

Fear of losing talented team members can make an organization inward looking and somewhat grasping.   Of course, in time, one of our talented team members will always leave.  Other opportunities call.  Family needs arise, etc.   When this happens, the organization is left with a talent gap and a sense of betrayal at worst, and a talent gap and apathetic attitude at best.

Maybe we are focusing on the wrong thing.

Maybe instead we should focus on talent development.  Talent development provides a layered defense to team members moving on.  Talent development provides ownership and buy in by your team members.  And finally, talent development makes all of our team members stronger both in our organization and in the community.

Let’s change our somewhat manipulative vernacular of talent management to the buy in approach of talent development.  After all, the best way to ensure a strong team is to develop the team we already have.