
Upholding The Standard


We all know a formal school, whether in government or outside of it, that states they “uphold the standard”.

But are they?  If you are a teacher, communicator, or other such leader, do you know what your standards are?

Perhaps more importantly: “what do you do if the standard is not met?”  Do you tell the student they did not meet the standard, or do you let it go and only make a remark on their grade sheet?

Upholding the standard is the centerpiece of the educational model.  Without a standard, the lines of success and failure blur, eroding confidence in both the teacher and the student.

Upholding the standard does not need to be punitive.  In fact, upholding the standard can best be done in a supportive, mentor/mentee atmosphere.

Are you upholding the standard today – and more importantly, are you doing it in a manner that promotes growth and learning?