
The Four Characteristics of a Coach


Coaching, whether at home, the office, or on the field is both challenging and rewarding.  I enjoy working with good coaches because they are able to call out a unique aspect or talent of their team – an aspect the player or team would not achieve on their own.

There are four characteristics of a coach that provide the backbone for their leadership; passion, knowledge, purpose and the ability to communicate.

Passion:  This doesn’t mean that the coach wakes up every morning and says, “I am just so excited to be a coach”. What this means is that they have a passion for making people and cultures better.  The coach is passionate about drawing strength and goodness out of someone; they are passionate about making them or the situation better.

Knowledge:  A coach understands the game.  Not just in the sense of understanding the rules, but also in the art of the game.  A coach, much like a master craftsman, takes his or her knowledge and freely imparts it to the team.

Purpose:  A coach both understands and communicates the “why.”  The “why” is important because it serves as the focal point for the team. 

Communication:  A coach can have purpose, passion, and knowledge, but if the coach is unable to communicate his or her purpose, passion, and knowledge, the mission will not succeed.

Wherever you are coaching, whether it be at home, the office, or the field; grab hold of your passion for the game, impart your knowledge of the game, and clearly communicate your purpose!