
Sleeping Well Is A Superpower

Sleep - A Superpower

Having just returned from a long trip, I am reminded at just how powerful a good night’s sleep is.  This trip took me to a different time zone and the work I did kept me from settling into a consistent rhythm.  As a result, I did not sleep well throughout the duration of the trip and my attitude, health, and energy all suffered for it.

Sleeping well is a superpower.  A good night’s sleep helps us maintain a healthy metabolism, provides us the energy we need to be productive, and also affects our attitude.

I re-learned a few lessons in sleeping well over the past few weeks.  They are:

1 – Download a “white noise” application on your device.  Turning the application on while muting your notifications is an excellent sleep inducing technique.

2 – Shut down your other electronics 30 minutes or so before you go to bed.  This action alone removes the majority of the stimulation preventing us from quickly falling asleep.

3 – Take a shower before bed.  Showering, hot or cold, is a great way to wash off the “grime,” both physically and mentally from the day.

4 – Read, meditate, or pray before turning off the light.  Focus on deep breathing, practicing gratitude, and reading a good book as a sure way to quiet your mind.

A good night’s sleep is truly a superpower.  The lack of sleep over the past few weeks was certainly my kryptonite.  Don’t let it be yours.