Focus, Leadership, Priorities, Work

Facts Based Analysis: Or How To Not Make A Reactive Decision

Facts Based Analysis

“Just the facts, Ma’am, just the facts.”  Remember those old detective movies where the cold, somewhat cynical detective stops the story-telling man or woman and asks for “just the facts?”

The detective was on to something.  He knew that by asking for the simple facts he would be able to sift through the chaff created by his initial reaction and put together what actually happened.

As leaders in any field, we need to be aware that our initial reactions may be driving us toward a decision that is not correct. Facts based analysis provides us with the data we need to make an informed decision.  By looking at the facts, whether it be numbers, statistics, or another type of data, we are able to sift through the chaff created by an initial reaction and make an informed decision.

The next time you have to make a decision, take note of your initial reaction.  Then, utilizing facts based analysis, make a decision that is supported by “just the facts, Ma’am, just the facts.”