Public Speaking

How To Connect With Your Audience

How to Connect With Your Audience

If we are going to connect with our audience, we need to know them.  Communicating with clarity is a must, regardless of the audience size.

But how do we get to know our audience?  How do we meet them where they are and communicate to them in a way that matters and leaves the audience understanding just what it is we are trying to communicate?

First, we need to understand the audience’s problem.  If you are invited to speak, it is generally because you hold a key to helping the audience solve a certain problem.  This happens at all levels; you can be speaking in front of a paying audience, teaching a class on art, or briefing a flying mission in the squadron.  Regardless of who you are speaking to, understand what they need answered.

Second, define the problem you are there to solve.  Put the problem into a context the audience identifies with and understands.  In this manner you are able to connect with the audience on a level they care about – it also shows empathy and full understanding of the audiences’ situation.  As an example: if I were asked to give a presentation on aircraft readiness, and only address overall numbers and my plans to fix the problem, but never address the reality a user sees at the operational level, I would never make a connection with my audience.  My audience would see me as disconnected and place me in the “us vs. them” category.

Third, use a personal example with someone in your audience.  Make an effort to shake hands with the audience before you speak.  While doing so, take note of their names and listen to what they expect you to talk about.  Often, you will pick up on issues they are facing and be able recognize why they are there to listen to you.  Take a person you meet in the audience and present them as a personal example to show you understand the problem on an individual level.

Fourth, and finally, provide a solution to the problem.  To this point, you have shown that you understand what the problem is, defined the problem, and connected to it on a personal level.  Now, present a solution to your audience.  Show your audience that not only do you empathize with them, but you have a solution to the problem that will help them and meet them where they are at.

Connecting with our audience is a must for communicating with clarity.  The ability to understand, define, connect with, and then provide a solution to a problem is the first step in becoming an effective communicator.  What unique tools have you used to connect with your audience?