Moving, Organization, schedule

Ten Steps to a Better Move

ten steps to a better move


The summer move season is upon us!  This is a re-post from last year, but with the new summer move season about to enter full swing, I figured a fresh look at the subject would be worthwhile.

As a military family, moves are a part of life and every two or three years you uproot from your current planting and root yourself into a new community. Moving comes with both its challenges as well as its rewards.  I personally get excited at the new beginnings, the planning and execution of the move, but also mourn the leaving of old friends and the loss of rhythm that comes with an event such as moving.

Below are ten techniques that have assisted me as we have made our numerous moves.

  1. Pull out the calendar and plan out your move.  Start at the move date and plan backwards.  Decide when you want to have key events completed and ensure they fit into the overall timeline.  See bullet 2.
  2. Consider the key events:  when are the packers coming, when do the movers arrive, when do I want to switch my utilities over?  I also consider dates I want to have the house organized for the packers.
  3. Decide who you want to see before you leave.  In the weeks before a move all of your friends and family will suddenly want to see you!  Ensure you prioritize who you need to see and when you can see them.  Don’t factor in seeing more than one friend per day, otherwise you will feel overwhelmed.  (Unless of course, it is a party setting).
  4. Don’t forget the utilities: Contact all of the utilities and services at your new home a week out and establish an account with them as well as a set up time.
  5. Treat your move like a vacation: If your company gives you a moving allowance, use it in an imaginative manner.  For example, instead of just staying in a hotel, pick a fun place for the family to stay.  We were able to find a VRBO on the beach which made our move feel like a vacation.  At the very least, pick a hotel with a suite and a pool so that you have room to relax.
  6. Focus on the essentials: On the packing and moving day don’t plan for anything else, make that your sole focus.  Take care of the movers/packers and provide them food and beverages.
  7. Develop a schedule: Move in day to your new home will be somewhat overwhelming and exhausting.  Set “work” hours for yourself and your family.  Stick to them and ensure you are able to unwind in the evening.  See bullet 5.
  8. Don’t forget about the kids: The children will be somewhat “bored”.  If you don’t know anyone in your new location they can play with, don’t be afraid to utilize electronic entertainment devices to keep them occupied.
  9. Unpack the essential items first.  Bedroom followed by the kitchen. Then go to the living areas.  If able, stay in your temporary lodging until the house feels like “home”.
  10. Show yourself grace: Realize that you will be out of your rhythm, give yourself at least a week “grace period” in which it is ok if you don’t work out, read, blog, or whatever you usually do.  Give yourself permission to be out of your rhythm.

Moving is challenging no matter how well-organized you are.  Proper planning always make any move easier, but don’t forget to show yourself grace.  Nothing ever goes as planned, and allowing grace for yourself will make the whole process much more enjoyable!