Coaching, Integrated Living, Organization, Work

The Benefits of Personality Tests

Personality tests

The only way to get to where you are going is to know where you currently are.  When flying missions from an aircraft carrier, before you can being planning your mission, you have to first find out where the ship will be at the time of your takeoff so that you can plan your route, fuel, etc.  Similarly, before we can take off in pursuit of our goals we need to know where we currently stand. For personal development, this means we need to understand our strengths and weaknesses – what is our personality type, how is our emotional IQ, when do we have the best energy, how do we study, etc.

Personality tests are a fun way to help determine where we are in a myriad of different areas.  Below, I’ve listed a number of fun tests you can take to help determine your strengths and weaknesses in a number of key areas.  (Click on the bolded text for the link)

  • Personality Types – This quiz sets the stage as it helps define how we see the world.  This quiz can help answer some basic questions such as where do I get my energy, or in what setting do I best work?
  • Emotional Intelligence – According to many, our emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) is a much greater indicator of potential and success than our Intelligence Quotient (IQ).  This quiz gives us an understanding of where we rank emotionally and then provides further information on how we can improve.
  • Chronotype – Our chronotype is the result of our master biological clock.  Our chronotype determines when it is the best time for us to eat, sleep, work, have a hard conversation, work out, etc.  Understanding the “when” with regard to how we work is vital.

  • Work Habits – How are our daily work habits?  Are we effective?  What can we do better?  This quiz helps us see where we are and what areas we can improve upon moving forward.
  • Study Habits – Finally, for those who are in an educational environment, understanding how we best study is necessary to achieving our full academic potential.  Kaplan test prep put together a fun test that aides in assessing our strengths and weaknesses.

Personality tests are fun, and they also provide us with an accurate location of where we currently stand.  Once we have our location established, we can develop a plan to move forward, improve, and grow into the men and women we are created to be.  Now that is living intentionally!