Confronting the Brutal Reality
My natural tendency is to seek connection in my relationships with others and to carve order out of what is not ordered. There are times however, when I struggle with the “why,” the “what is the point?” in trying to connect or develop a sense of order. I particularly struggle with these principles when I think on the friends I have lost from war or sickness, or when I dwell upon the amount of suffering experienced from war, extremism, exploitation, etc.
So – what motivates me to continue to live intentionally, even in the face of seemingly sad situations? I focus on these three items:
1 – I ask myself – “what is my sphere of influence?” In what tribe have I been placed?
2 – Recognize that by intentionally connecting to the people within my circle we can collectively build each other up and encourage one another in good work and growth.
3 – Embrace the gifts, time, and place in which I have been given and use them.
4 – Have a close friend I can share my doubts with and through that be encouraged.
5 – Embrace the Mystery at work in this world and make room for it to work in my own life.
I believe that it is healthy to struggle with the bad in our lives and in this world; by doing so we are forced to confront the reality of where we are and be challenged to go further in doing good.
How do you work through your doubts when they arise?